Friday, February 25, 2005

Google Movie Search

Today while surfing my favorite blogs, I came upon a superb post about Google. They have come up with another innovation - Google Movie search.

It’s all about searching your favorite movies by content. I’ll give a few example to explain it.
Try searching the following in Google for a demo:

Isn’t that a brilliant idea! I feel it is.

If Google keeps innovating at this pace, I wonder if we’ll see the word “innovate” being replaced by “google”. Well, we all know about “googling”, Don’t we?


Vaibhav Choudhary said...

Hey Chicks thats nice. I was surprised . How much data is there and in organised fashion .. wowwwww

Nice blog ... hey write such blogs frequenlty.

Anonymous said...

hey why dont u google-IN something for the Final Sem project then ! .


Anonymous said...

hi, cheeks cool news ...seriously these are the things for which google is winning the market and the other search are miles behind....
we should also learn from google

Anonymous said...

hi chigs, thats nice tech, but how are they going to do this i really wonder, thats amazing, i dont think thy sit down and write the description of each movie, might be they may match the reach key with the sub titles... thats a possible solution i think,
wht else, enjoy man,,

Anonymous said...

and and forgot to say, in dictonary already defines the term google... cheers...