Monday, October 24, 2005

Bloglines is amazing!

I have been looking for an RSS/ATOM reader that allows me to read various Blogs and posts without going to individual sites.

I hate Desktop RSS Readers and I was never really into online RSS readers (or aggregators).
Today for the first time I opened Mark Jen's Bloglines blogroll and found it real good. Exactly what I was looking for.

Now I don't need to click ten's of favorites every day. I have added all the Blogs I read but my regularly visited tech sites are still not there. I'll add them soon.

My Bloglines blogroll.

Sunday, October 23, 2005


I wonder if it's normal but anything free always sounds good to me :-D

Like this new search website Blingo.
These guys are giving gifts to those (or friends of those) who search for something using Blingo at some particular time (time is different each day)

Most importantly Blingo just redirects Google's results so it's not like I have to use something unnecessarily. Just Search normally and you might win!

Join my friends list. It'll increase both our chances..

The service is only for citizens of USA :-(

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Just finished reading Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince and WOW, it was the best book in the series.

I am still feeling weird, not sad but weird. And, I have absolutely no words to describe anything more.

A must read for all fans!

Sunday, October 02, 2005

MIT Lab's $100 laptop!

I am awestruck and have no words to say. This may not be an example of some cutting-edge technology but this is an engineering marvel.

Official website
Cyberia Weblog