Friday, January 28, 2005

Sify Broadband client sucks... No More.

For those of you don't know, I use Sify Broadband at home. It requires a stupid login client that takes loads of RAM and keeps logging me out every few minutes (now that's real torture for someone with an unlimited internet connection). Adding to my miseries the official Sify Linux client is very bad. It doesn't give any Client/Session info and since a few days it doesn't allow me to login at all :(

After days of torture I remembered Google :) I vaguely searched for "Sify Broadband Linux client" and lo I found a project on sourceforge called EasySify. Putting it up simply, it's fantastic :). Now no more crap. If you are really interested in improving your Sify experience, you can read more at
I just wish this good guy comes up with a Linux client fast.

Well, I must say something before I finish. I am a final year computer engineering student. Why couldn't I develop it?

Thursday, January 27, 2005

Back after a long time...

It’s been a long time since I posted anything here. Well, I wasn’t really busy, it was my sheer laziness.
A lot of things happened after my last post. Ok, I know it’s obvious :)

Worst things first, I gave CAT and other similar MBA entrance exams. I have NO interest in MBA but I am doing all this to keep my parents happy. Anyways, I scored 97.54 %le in CAT. It’s neither too high, nor too low and I am happy, because this %le gives me no chance to join IIM and I can easily convince my parents (and myself) to chuck other b-schools. Staying with MBA, I went to Gurgaon for MDI’s GD/PI this Tuesday after I got a call from there. It was a decent place but something was lacking, maybe because it’s not an engineering college. Anyways I performed quite well in GD/PI though I don’t give a damn whether I get selected or not. Well enough of MBA, I’ll move to other, more interesting stuff now.

In between all these exams, my Semester 7 exams were over and I got a usual 7 point something GPA (on a scale of 10). I always wonder how my grades always remain same whether I top or bottom the exams. Anyways, I am in the final semester now and B.Tech exams are over forever. I have decided to chuck industrial training and do a college project. Simply because this allows me to stay at home and do whatever I want ;). And hey, this doesn’t mean I won’t be working on my project. It’s a cool project – digital enhancement of dance videos to assist dance scholars and students. So I’ll be busy tweaking RGB pixels all semester :).

Well, lots of other stuff to write about including the all important GATE but I think I’ll do that some other day.

And if you have reached here, you’ve exhibited a great amount of patience, so don’t forget to award yourself with a treat :)